Latest News
Find out what’s happening at Avalon and in our community. Read thought-leadership on our mission to end sexualized violence.
Call to Action: Stop the Racism and Genocide against Indigenous peoples
To our Community, We are honoured to situate ourselves in the network of caring commitment, and calls to action, begun by Wapna’kikewi’skwaq - Women of First Light in response to the wounds of racism and violence borne by Canada’s Indigenous peoples. Recently we have seen heartrending examples of the political agenda of genocide organized by Canada’s ‘state, church and police,’ which [...]
The Pattern is Patriarchy
Recent news about sexualized violence at King’s College and the Canadian Armed Forces have prompted the Avalon community to reflect upon the consistent, repeated ways we see gender-based violence managed by patriarchal systems. We commented recently in social media about the news relating to King’s and other institutions’ management of perpetrators, and almost right away saw more news with similar [...]
Avalon Calls for Protection of Mi’kmaw Rights and Safety
Avalon Sexual Assault Centre stands in solidarity with Mi’kmaw fishers. Avalon Sexual Assault Centre is located in Kjipuktuk, the unceded, unsurrendered lands of the Mi’kmaq Nation, and we recognize our responsibilty as Treaty people to speak out against the colonial violence experienced by Mi’kmaw fishers and community members. Avalon Sexual Assault Centre affirms our support for the self-determined inherent right [...]
Joining the Avalon Board
Avalon Centre is the sexual assault centre for the Halifax Region and is a feminist non-profit organization that focuses on sexual assault awareness and prevention, support and intervention services, therapeutic counselling, systemic and social justice advocacy. We are committed to addressing the intersectionality of sexualized violence, misogyny, racism, and systemic oppression. We support leadership and employment opportunities for women, trans, [...]
Against a Restorative Approach to an Inquiry into the NS Mass Shooting
As media have reported, Avalon has joined with feminist and anti-violence organizations to express concern about the use of restorative approaches to an inquiry into the Nova Scotia mass shooting. The text of the joint letter can be viewed and downloaded below. As well, a past public statement of Avalon's concerns about restorative approaches in some cases can be seen [...]
Avalon Calls for Police Defunding for Reinvestment in Justice
As part of Avalon Sexual Assault Centre’s commitment to addressing legacies of racism and white supremacy – including within our own organization – we are joining today with Anti-Racist organizations calling for the defunding of police services and reinvestment of funds to community organizations that promote social and racial justice. As Educators, Nurses, Counsellors, and Advocates, working on the frontlines [...]