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Latest News

Find out what’s happening at Avalon and in our community. Read thought-leadership on our mission to end sexualized violence.

Remember, and Take Action

On December 6, 1989, 13 students and one administrator at l'École Polytechnique de Montréal were murdered because the killer believed they were feminists. Violence against women, and violence based on gender identity or perceived gender persists in our society today at alarming rates. This day is an opportunity to remember the lives lost at l'École Polytechnique, and to plan actions to help [...]

December 6, 2018|

Clarity Around Avalon’s Status of Women Funding

There has been so much heartwarming celebration of our successful application to Status of Women Canada’s Gender-Based Violence funding! Many have expressed hope the funding will help our current campaign to increase counselling capacity. We want to clarify that our Status of Women Canada funding will not increase our counselling capacity. Please continue to help spread the word and share [...]

December 5, 2018|

Amending C-51 around Capacity to Consent

University of Ottawa law professor Elizabeth Sheehy this week issued a call for support in the ongoing fight to amend Bill C-51 regarding capacity to consent. Senator Kim Pate's proposed amendment was adopted in the Senate October 30, but now the House will debate the amendment, possibly on Monday November 26. Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould says she won't support the [...]

November 22, 2018|

Forensic Nursing Week, November 5 to 9

It’s Forensic Nursing Week. Avalon is lucky to have the team of Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners it does, led by Chantelle Murphy 💜 “Becoming a SANE arose as a need I identified after working for 18 years in women’s health. I worked primarily with childbearing women and families and within my role as a labour and delivery nurse I saw innumerable [...]

November 8, 2018|

Community Report: Demand

“Demand for Avalon’s leadership, services, programs and feminist analysis is at a higher level than it has been in the Centre’s 35 years and is still increasing.” This is a multi-year trend in all sexual assault centres, correlating with high profile revelations of sexualized violence, in tandem with widespread use of topical tags in social media, such as #metoo, #timesup, [...]

September 17, 2018|

Night of Songs and Stories raises funds for Avalon to help sexual assault survivors

  Night of songs and stories raises funds for Avalon to help sexual assault survivors   On April 21, Avalon Sexual Assault Centre hosted a benefit concert at St. Matthew’s United Church called “Together Our Voices Are Powerful.”   The theme of the fundraiser was inspired by the 2018 theme of Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), which encourages individuals and [...]

July 3, 2018|
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